When We Do Give God Our All

There's only one person in the difficult and dark section of Luke's later chapters that gets Jesus' acclaim... it's a poor widow with about 1/4 of a cent to her name.

Luke 21:1–4 (ESV) Jesus looked up and saw the rich putting their gifts into the offering box, 2 and he saw a poor widow put in two small copper coins. 3 And he said, “Truly, I tell you, this poor widow has put in more than all of them. 4 For they all contributed out of their abundance, but she out of her poverty put in all she had to live on.”

Luke has shown the rapid fire attacks from the many devoted religious and political factions.  In a few moments the disciples are going to marvel at the temple Herod refurbished with Roman ties. But Jesus has His eye on a woman willing to give her all to God.

When we give our all to God, several interesting things happen:

1. Jesus notices.
She's the only one in the chapter who is commended. She's the one who gets His attention. For all the flowing robes and presentation of the "important" people of the day, they are forgotten and she is remembered because Christ took notice of her gift.

God is looking at how we worship. He knows that some give out of self-acclaim and others give from the depths of deep trust in Him. Some Sundays I wonder if we realize that it took someone all they had to get there that week, while others are there in proud religious duty for a spiritual pat on the back.

2. Jesus points to us.
We leave an example God will use when we give Him our all. Parents, teachers, preachers, leaders who give God their all become a beacon for generations to come that the Lord will use as an illustration of the kind of person who trusts Him completely.

3. We never know what happens... but there is unlimited potential.
Think of it. She put herself completely in the hands of God. She did not know what would happen. I don't even think she heard Jesus commend her. As far as she knew, the offering was taken, she went back to her seat and that was that. But what she could never have known is how much of an eternal and historical impact her one act of faith would make.  Who has not been nudged by her story? Who has not felt convicted by her example! We never know what happens when we trust God, but HE has unlimited potential and can do unlimited things with lives totally devoted to Him.

Father I want to give you my all. You are the good and gracious Father who always cares for me. I am blessed but I want to leave behind a legacy for my children and future generations of what it is like when a man completely trusts You. Hallowed by Your name!


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