Preparing For Eternity.

Right on the heels of the parable of the shrewd manager, Luke makes clear that the Pharisees began to mock Jesus for His words. 

I couldn't imagine how what they did with the resources in this life would affect what happened to them in the next life. With that in mind, Jesus shares the parable of the rich man and Lazarus.

And he (rich man) called out, ‘Father Abraham, have mercy on me, and send Lazarus to dip the end of his finger in water and cool my tongue, for I am in anguish in this flame.’ (Luke 16:24 ESV)

While in hell he gives us a glimpse of his heart. He's in torment, he's in agony, and yet when he calls out to Abraham he doesn't ask for a second chance to do things right. He asks for Lazarus to be sent to him to make his pain go away. He's just a selfish, just as egotistical, just as domineering as he was in his life. 

Nothing's changed except his location.

His heart is the same as it was in this life. He has the audacity to send orders to Abraham. First the order for Lazarus to come and cool his tongue and then the order to send Lazarus to warn his brothers.

The reality of hell doesn't change people's hearts. Only God can. Sure the idea of hell might scare a few people into treating Jesus like a "get out of hell free card". But Jesus even makes it clear that his own resurrection will not change hearts. Ultimately life change belongs to Lord and the Lord alone. 

In the context of the very difficult 16th chapter of Luke, this parable is a warning to all of us that our actions toward each other in this life have consequences like to come. Money is a tool to be used not a treasure to be hoarded. The Pharisees "who loved money" mocked Jesus is illustration of the shrewd manager and so Jesus reinforces the principle again in a strong warning of what happens to those who neglect justice and compassion.

But ultimately this man's possessions possessed him. And rather than be a servant of The Lord, he wanted to be his own master in hell. That's the deception of money. That it gives you control and power. Nothing could be further from the truth. It is the Lord gives us wealth, it is us who must choose well how to use it.

I never want to be this man. I want to serve you completely.  Help me treat people with the same dignity. Give mea compassionate heart for the Lazaruses in my life. 


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