Strange Friends

One of the parts that makes me laugh during the trial of Christ is what happens to Pilate and Herod.

Luke 23:12 (ESV) And Herod and Pilate became friends with each other that very day, for before this they had been at enmity with each other.

Even as He's falsely accused tried and condemned to an unjust death, Jesus brings people together. Think of it... a Jewish king and a Gentile watch-dog are suddenly... friends!? What is going on? I think I know the answer...

The cross is coming!

The cross means reconciliation. It means enemies can now be made friends. Yes, Pilate and Herod, but more importantly YOU and God! We are by our very nature at odds with God. The reason is because we are born in sin and filled with self from the very day of our birth. The opportunity for us to reach up to Him in goodness is beyond us completely. God reached down in Christ and through His death made peace between us by wiping our sins away!

But this uniting of Jewish king and Gentile ruler was only the first of many new strange comraderies as the blood of Christ was shed for the sins of the world. Acts will record the Jews and Gentiles coming together in Cornelius' house. Later, the highly educated Pharisee Paul will travel from gentile city to gentile city creating disciples in the new found movement of God!

And today, people from across the spectrum of human life and experience, people who have never met and people who have nothing in common outside their faith in Christ come together in community and share a meal because the dividing wall of hostility is removed through the grace of Christ!

Yes, there are some "Christians" who entrench themselves into their clicks and "us-only" groups. Such people have failed to grasp the depth and height of the Gospel's power. The greatest hostility in the universe, man versus God was conquered on Calvary 2000 years ago and so must it also conquer any hostility in our heart.  There can be NO alternative.

This is why forgiveness was such a strong part of Christ's preaching. We are to forgive just as God in Christ forgave us. That means without hesitation and without limit. Only the power of His life changing grace can create such a spirit within us former rebels and haters.

One of the best features of Christianity in its purest form is the ability to cross the boundary lines sin seeks to create. I love worshipping with people of all different backgrounds, likes, dislikes and ethnicities. It's the most powerful result of Christ's priceless gift.

Enemies become friends. And God gets all the glory.

Thank you for the grace and the power to live in community with all kinds of people in Christ Jesus. May I always make the effort for unity with others. Help me to forgive those who sin against me. Your grace is enough for me. Amen.


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