
I wonder if what we think makes God upset is the same as what actually does make God upset? The parable of the minas in Luke 19 offer us a distinctly different picture God's judgement than we normally have.

Three men are given a set of minas. One ten, another 5 and a last servant - 1. The time comes for judgment on what they did with what was given.

The one with 10 comes back with 10 more.
The one with 5 comes back with 5 more.
The one with 1 comes back with 1.  He took it and hid it... doing nothing with what was given him.

The response of the king is telling:
Luke 19:24–26 (ESV) And he said to those who stood by, ‘Take the mina from him, and give it to the one who has the ten minas.’ 25 And they said to him, ‘Lord, he has ten minas!’ 26 ‘I tell you that to everyone who has, more will be given, but from the one who has not, even what he has will be taken away.

The apathetic servant lost everything.  Perhaps he compared his amount to the others.  Maybe he considered what he had to be of little account.  Perhaps he felt he was given a raw deal... after all, the other two servants got lot more! Whatever the reason, he failed at using what was given and he lost it anyway. 

The Lord wants production. Apathy is unacceptable. He wants us to use what we've got to produce and reproduce. Our lives in Christ are an investment on God's part. He sowed big time into us through Christ's death burial and resurrection. He expects a return. 

God is a producing God. We are created in His image. We are made to produce and reproduce. We are made to multiply. Its in our design. Hiding from society, "sinners" or people in general is not on God's game plan. 

The servant was asked: "Why didn't you put my money in the bank where it would have earned interest?" The words, "my money" are very important. All we have is from God. Everything. What we do with it matters. It is not ours to say what "should" be done with it, our Lord wants us to produce. 

Instead of looking at what you have compared to others, or what you should have received that you didn't, get busy. 

Father help me to stop comparing myself to others and do the best with what I've been given. I want to produce for your glory and name! Help me move forward in faith, invest and risk for the Kingdom.


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