Work from Rest... Yes, in THAT Order.

I read something powerful from Warren Weirsbe about the Sabbath being changed from Saturday to Sunday for those who follow Christ.

The Sabbath referred to the work of God being completed in Creation.  God worked to create and rested AFTER the work was done.  The Jews were taught to obey the Sabbath as a testimony to their special covenant relationship with God.  It was Holy.  That means it was "separate."  Their 7th day to rest in a largely agricultural society was a sign that separated them from every other nation that served the "gods" of fertility and prosperity.

Today in Christ, we celebrate the "Sabbath" on the first day of the week.  That is, we celebrate it BEFORE any work gets done for that week.  Why?  Because the WORK of our salvation has already been done!  It was accomplished on the cross and completed in the resurrection - which appropriately happened on the first day of the week!  You see, in the NEW CREATION of our hearts, the work doesn't start until we rest in the GRACE of God available by faith in the finished work of Jesus!


Here's Weirsbe's quote:

The Sabbath speaks of rest after work and relates to the Law, while the Lord’s Day speaks of rest before work and relates to grace.

So even in our week... when we gather for worship on Sundays and take the day off physically (if we can) we are reminded of the powerful truth of the Gospel... It is by GRACE we are saved, not of works...  We don't get God's approval by earning it.  We get God's grace by accepting it.  Resting in what He has done for us so that we can then start a new week WORKING from rest instead of working to rest.  

This is why Jesus did good for His disciples on the Sabbath!

Leading his followers through grainfields to get food... like the Good Shepherd that He is.
Luke 6:1 (ESV) On a Sabbath, while he was going through the grainfields, his disciples plucked and ate some heads of grain, rubbing them in their hands.

And then healing the man with the withered hand... who probably struggled to work in an agricultural community.  Now through Christ's healing WORK, this man would be able to show up to work the next day!  
Luke 6:6 (ESV) On another Sabbath, he entered the synagogue and was teaching, and a man was there whose right hand was withered.

Are you struggling to WORK for the Lord?  Perhaps it's time to REST first, in the grace He gives, the healing He provides, and the food of His Word.

After all, He did the heavy lifting for YOU!

Thank you Lord for your work on the Cross and through the grave.  Help me to remember I work because of your finished work in me.  That I'm the project you are working on and it's not totally up to me.  I thank you for choosing me, saving me, loving me, forgiving me and rising for me!  Empowered by Your Word and Truth, I ask for effective WORK to be done in my life for Your glory.  AMEN!


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