The Power of Authority in Jesus' Words

I love what happens to the Roman Centurion when Jesus comes to his house to heal his prized servant:

First, early in the short story, the Elders of the Jews requested Jesus' assistance since in their opinion, he was worthy of this good deed from Christ. This was the testimony of the people about him:
"He is worthy to have you do this for him" Luke 7:4

He was a man of good deeds... building a synagogue and loving the Jewish people.  So Jesus starts on his way.  

But when Jesus actually comes close, he sends friends telling him of his own unworthiness:
"When he was not far from the house, the centurion sent friends, saying to him, “Lord, do not trouble yourself, for I am not worthy to have you come under my roof." Luke 7:6  Then verse 7 "But say the word, and let my servant be healed."

That's really something.  Friends know us better than our church leaders (Elders).  But Jesus knows us better than all.  And when Jesus got close, the man felt more and more unworthy.  So much so, that he decided to keep Jesus from even coming into his own house.  

Notice He felt unworthy not simply because Jesus was a holy man (the holiest a man could be), but because Jesus was a man of incredible authority.  Something the Roman Centurion knew a lot about.  Notice then, based on the Centurion's honor for the authority of Christ, Jesus commends the man's FAITH.

I think about faith in this passage as it relates to us.  Is faith something we just hold on to because it makes us feel better about life?  Something that gets us through our dark days?  Or is our faith tied to the authority of Jesus?  That we truly know Him as God, the Son.  That He is able to SAY a WORD and HIS WORDs have power! 

Faith that simply believes Jesus is there to help is one thing.  Faith that knows Jesus is in control is another.  When the disciples freak out over the storm, Jesus reprimands them for their lack of faith.  When the Pharisees say it's by the power of demons he casts out demons, he tells them they are guilty of the unpardonable sin!  Recognizing Jesus' authority, the authority of God - that is faith.  

You do not serve simply a "get well" Savior.  You do not serve a symbol of hope.  You serve the Master and LORD!  You serve YHWH, the great I AM!  And what He's looking for from all of us - is faith to know HE's always in control and His word has the power we need in every situation.  

Father, your Word has AUTHORITY.  You have given ALL AUTHORITY to the Son.  And in His Name I have the privilege to preach your Word with Authority.  Thank you!  May I trust your Word and proclaim it without shame more convinced than ever of His amazing POWER!  Amen!


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