The Fruit of Anxiety

Jesus once had a man come to him with this statement:
"Teacher, tell my brother to divide the inheritance with me."

The man was full of anxiety.  Do you know why?  Because he didn't think he was getting his "fair due." His brother must have been holding some part of the inheritance back. He sees that Jesus is in the business of helping people so he feels, "Why not bring the matter to Jesus?"

The answer must have shocked him to his core!  Jesus is usually firm with the people who need firmness to drive whatever garbage is in their hearts:

Luke 12:14 (ESV) But he said to him, “Man, who made me a judge or arbitrator over you?”

Then Jesus tells the story of a man who laid up more treasure than he would have time to enjoy. He speaks to himself, he builds for himself, he amasses for himself... and then, one night, God takes his life right away from himself.  

He was a fool.  He was anxious for money, and he died alone.  Kind of like the man who couldn't talk to his brother over money.

Luke 12:22 (ESV) And he said to his disciples, “Therefore I tell you, do not be anxious about your life, what you will eat, nor about your body, what you will put on."

Anxiety is a root with a lot of bad fruit. 

We get anxious about having enough.  There are hundreds of commercials aimed at making you feel hopeless without financial advice from some company.  No one wants to be the guy without a plan to make your money outlive you!  Sad.

We make people objects to be used in making sure we get what we think we want.  We isolate ourselves.  The funny thing is, we were made for relationships with people.  In Jesus' parable, the rich man has a conversation with no one other than himself!  

What else happens? 
We start making God a tool for our personal goals.  He becomes the means to our own ends.  "Tell my brother..." could just as easily be, "get me that job, give me that raise, get me out of that jamb I foolishly got myself into."  We don't know God - which is the purpose and joy of our existence.  We use Him.

In the end, anxiety makes us use people, use God and serve money.  

Now the opposite of anxiety is trust in God. Trust is God is what kills anxiety.  And it heals our relationships.  God will take care of you.  He's never going to let you down.  I sometimes think of all the risks in life we should be taking for God's glory instead of our security.  What changes would we make?  If money wasn't an issue right now at all, where would you be and what would you do?  If you're aim is to glorify God and help people, what do you have to fear?  You're in the family business!

Luke 12:28 (ESV) But if God so clothes the grass, which is alive in the field today, and tomorrow is thrown into the oven, how much more will he clothe you, O you of little faith!

Father, help me to see money the way you see money.  Help me to use it faithfully and properly in bringing many people to know you.  Free me from my worry and anxiety.  I have plenty!  I have enough.  I have you!  Amen!


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