The Abyss

Sometimes it's the little things we overlook in a passage.  When Jesus is confronted with two demon possessed men in which a "legion" of demons reside, a conversation breaks out between the Lord and the demons...

After finding out their name, the demons do something telling:

Luke 8:31 (ESV) And they begged him not to command them to depart into the abyss.

The demons begged Jesus not to depart into the abyss.  Hmmmm.

I was reading Martin Lloyd Jones commentary on Ephesians 6:13.  He shared a powerful idea about the origin of evil and Satan's history.  He suggested the idea that the space between Genesis 1:1 and Genesis 1:2 is where Satan was cast out of heaven.  And that is why the Spirit is hovering over the surface of the deep - and the Earth is described as "formless and void" - being chaotic as a result of the devil being cast there from heaven.  

It's a speculative view but it opens to us a reality that we should be aware of.  There was a battle going on before we got here.  Satan was trying to be God and losing badly.  God creates man from the dust and imparts His Spirit to show forth His creative power and ultimately rule the dominion of Earth.  The reason we lost dominion was because we listened to Satan instead of God.  All sin originates right there. 

Here in Luke 8, thousands of years into human history... Jesus is having a show down with demons who are well aware of who He is and where He could send them.  There was a battle going on long before we got here.  And Jesus has won!  

But it begs one thought.  Demons in Luke 8 had more understanding of who Jesus is than most Christians.  They also had more fear of eternal torment than most Christians.  Satan is not in charge of hell... he is destined to be there at the command of Christ!  By faith we can avoid going there by trusting the WORD of Christ!

Interesting.  Powerful.  And a bit unnerving, in a good way.

Father, I forget about hell way to much.  I forget also the high power of Christ!  Forgive me.  Remind me, seal in my heart the reality of Jesus' ultimate authority and power. And help me to live like Hell is real in holiness and purity.  Thank you for saving me.


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