Disabling Spirit

Some sickness are not physical... they ARE spiritual.  We have to begin admitting this with confidence if we are going to be effective workers in the Kingdom of God.

Luke 13:11–13 (ESV) And behold, there was a woman who had had a disabling spirit for eighteen years. She was bent over and could not fully straighten herself. 12 When Jesus saw her, he called her over and said to her, “Woman, you are freed from your disability.” 

Jesus is in Synagogue on Sabbath and a woman has come to worship but cannot straighten up.  She has come bent over ... not because of a physical ailment but because of a spiritual attack.  Jesus makes sure to point out it was "Satan" who had her bound for 18 long years. 

Luke 13:16 (ESV) And ought not this woman, a daughter of Abraham whom Satan bound for eighteen years, be loosed from this bond on the Sabbath day?”

There are those who deny healing is for today.  They say God only heals spiritually.  But this moment blows that philosophy out of the water. Her body was ill because her spirit was bound!  

Our physical bodies are affected by our spiritual condition.  If we aren't treating our spirit right our bodies will suffer.  Likewise, if we aren't treating our physical bodies right, our spirits will suffer.  The condition of your physical and spiritual and emotional heart is all a concern of God!  

Notice how Jesus heals her... He speaks!  The Word made flesh speaks and the disabling spirit flees! That's the power of the Word!  It brings ability where the enemy wants disability. The same word that brought order from chaos in the first chapter of Genesis is the able to bring order to your chaotic spirit and mind!  The same Word that called Moses to become a powerful deliverer is able to make you a powerful Christ follower!

The Word not only feeds and heals our spirits, if affects our bodies in an empowering way.  We stand stronger, we walk better, we feel good when we eat the Word of God! 

Luke 13:13 (ESV) And he laid his hands on her, and immediately she was made straight, and she glorified God.

Don't gloss over verse 13!  "And he laid his hands on her"... Jesus also touched her.  We don't just need the Word of God, we need a touch of God!  How many churches settle for simply "studying the Bible" and thinking that's all we should do with God.  But I want more!  I want a touch of God on my life.  He wants to touch your physical body in a way that makes you KNOW Jesus touched you!  

Study the Bible, yes!  It's food and power to your spirit, mind and body.  But let God touch you.  Ask Him, He will.  There's more to this faith than simply knowing doctrines and memorizing scriptures. You can have a real, tangible experience with God, right now!

Father, I need a touch from You.  I know Your Word.  I study Your Word.  I love Your Word.  But I long for Your touch on my life!  Keep me from the disabling spirits and help me to lift up my eyes and straighten up in faith knowing You are HERE!  In Jesus' Mighty Name!  Amen!


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