Bearing Fruit with Patience

In the parable of the sower Jesus describes four possible responses to the Word of God.  Some have heard but the devil takes it away.  Some spring up quickly, joyfully accepting the message, but when testing comes their shallow faith is revealed. Then there are those who let the money and cares of this world choke out the word of God from their hearts.

But the final soil is good soil.  It produces a crop.  It bears fruit.  Jesus says this is how it happens:
Luke 8:15 (ESV) As for that in the good soil, they are those who, hearing the word, hold it fast in an honest and good heart, and bear fruit with patience.

Patience... that's a key word here.  Jesus is implying something for everyone who has wanted to be a fruitful Christ-follower... be patient with your own results.

For everyone wondering why they have struggled to see change in their lives EVEN as a Christ follower, they need to know: Fruitfulness isn't overnight.  That's good and bad.  

It's good because you don't measure yourself by what is instant.  You are in the process of change and the process of development by the WORD OF GOD.  It may take years or decades to see something finally come to fruition but it will happen.

The bad news is, people still have to live with you... and you with them.  And this is why belonging to a church is so hard.  You're right in there with unfinished long-term projects of the Holy Spirit and we all tend to rub each other the wrong way at times because of it!  

I sometimes wonder why it takes so long to see lasting change in our lives.  Why isn't God in as much of a hurry as we are for the changes we so desperately seem to need?  Is there something more we can do to speed up the process?  Are we not working hard enough?  Can we do more?

I'm afraid this passage doesn't give us much more than one key ingredient - Patience. 

Hold on to the Word. Your mistakes and short comings don't mean it's not working.  It just means you in process.  The real problem is when you think you're done.  That's a tell tale sign that you may just be fruitless for a while.  

A few verses later, a word of caution: Luke 8:18 (ESV) Take care then how you hear, for to the one who has, more will be given, and from the one who has not, even what he thinks that he has will be taken away.”

Father, thank you for working on me.  I know I have a long way to go, but I go to your Word with the comfort and challenge to be patience with my fruitfulness.  May I have ears careful to hear you.  Thank you for speaking.  Forgive me for not listening. 


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