Why Some People Just Don't Love Jesus.

In Luke 7, Jesus is the houseguest of a Pharisee.  During the meal a woman of considerable sin lavishes upon him an expensive ointment washing his feet with her hair.  Such action was intolerable to the notable religious person who suspected Jesus' credentials based on his reaction.

Then Jesus shares a short to the point parable with a meaning not even the Pharisee can miss:

Luke 7:40–43 (ESV) And Jesus answering said to him, “Simon, I have something to say to you.” And he answered, “Say it, Teacher.” 41 “A certain moneylender had two debtors. One owed five hundred denarii, and the other fifty. 42 When they could not pay, he cancelled the debt of both. Now which of them will love him more?” 43 Simon answered, “The one, I suppose, for whom he cancelled the larger debt.” And he said to him, “You have judged rightly.”

Do you know why some people love the Lord and some people just go to church?  Do you know what the one difference is between those two kinds of people? 

The ones who express love to Jesus truly believe HE has saved them from their many sins. 
The ones who religiously attend services think they're doing God a favor.  

I know these are broad strokes and not everyone fits comfortably into one or the other category but the distinction was made by Christ, not me.  

Simon went through the motions to have Jesus part of his life.  He invited Jesus thinking he was doing Jesus some kind of favor.  Then Simon proceeded to critique Jesus, trying to pin him down as fraud or phony. 

The notorious woman went above and beyond.  She lavished Jesus in adoration.  She didn't care what people thought.  She didn't care who was looking at her.  She didn't worry about appearance or reputation.  Why?  Because Jesus had forgiven her.  He had saved her.  She knew she was NOW who she was NOW because of JESUS! 

In short, Simon thought serving Jesus a meal was a good gesture for a "good" man.  The woman knew Christ had changed her very existence.  The reactions to Jesus speak for themselves.  

I've been around church people long enough to know some people go thorugh the reglious motions on Sunday Morning, putting in their God-duty for the week, hoping to score points with the "man upstairs."  Some attend out of a sense of obligation to a deceased loved one.  Others go to church because its the "right thing to do."  But there's no love affair with the Lord who saved them!  

Perhaps because they didn't realize they were doing so well, they didn't need to be saved.  

May that NEVER be me.  
May it NEVER be you.

Father, thank you for forgiving me my many many sins.  I adore you and love you.  I worship you and express my heart-felt thanks to you.  You have done more for me than I could ever appreciate.  Bless your NAME!  Amen.


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