What Makes You Happy?

Having just returned a successful missionary journey the name of Jesus, the disciples return with joy over the amazing productivity that they experience in His name.

Jesus is quick to redirect their enthusiasm.
Luke 10:20 (ESV) Nevertheless, do not rejoice in this, that the spirits are subject to you, but rejoice that your names are written in heaven.”

When Jesus tells you to be happy about something, it's a good idea happy about something. It's also a good idea to prioritize what makes you happy. For ministerial success, professional success, Christian success will come and go at differing times. We cannot base our happiness only on what we accomplish.

Jesus quickly reminds them, "I have given you power."  This didn't come from your success.  Apart from HIM we can do nothing!  

Jesus teaches us that our joy should not be rooted in what we are able to do but rather on who we become in following Him.

We become the children of God, with names written in heaven.  

The thing about success and achievement is that they tend to become identifying characteristics that cause us to see the worst in other people.  When we define ourselves by what we do, we may indeed define others by what they don't do. 

Later in the chapter, there's a story of two women who have Jesus over for dinner.  One is concerned with what she does for Jesus, "distracted by serving" and annoyed with her sister, Martha calls on Jesus to rebuke her laziness.  Jesus corrects Martha quickly.  Mary has made a better choice simply to BE at the feet of her Lord and Master, absorbing His presence and truth.  

What does Jesus say?  
Luke 10:42 (ESV) one thing is necessary. Mary has chosen the good portion, which will not be taken away from her.”

Christian works are not the way to life, they are a way of life.  Enjoying Christ is available, right now, right here... and WON'T EVER LEAVE YOU.

Father help me to stop defining myself by success and achievement.  Even those things pass away.  I love achieving and fixing and doing and performing, but they must never take the place of simply being WITH you.  Father, how great a love you have showered over me.  Thank you, praise you.  Amen.


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