Don't Worry about "Them"

We all have a certain theological bent when it comes to salvation.

Some are heavy Calvinists... God elects and choses.  Man can do nothing.
Some are heavy Arminians... Man can chose and some do. God knows who will, and elects accordingly.

I'm Calminian.  I know.  It's kind of a cop out.  But it's passages like Luke 13:22ff that help shape this centrist position.  While I believe we cannot save ourselves in any way, I do believe we are responsible to choose Christ and accept Him.  How that plays out in the mystery of God's will and foreknowledge is something I cannot explain.  When the Word asks, "Who has known the mind of the Lord?" I do not raise my hand!

Back to Luke... something interesting happens in Chapter 13:
Luke 13:22–24 (ESV) He went on his way through towns and villages, teaching and journeying toward Jerusalem. 23 And someone said to him, “Lord, will those who are saved be few?” And he said to them, 24 “Strive to enter through the narrow door. For many, I tell you, will seek to enter and will not be able.

Jesus is doing what Jesus does.  He's traveling through towns, teaching and headed toward the Cross. Someone comes with a theological question of the day... "Are only a few saved?" In other words, "Lord, am I special?"  Or "Lord, what's your position on the elect?" Or maybe "Lord, how will we know who really is saved and who is not?" You can insert your own question about the inner/outer workings of salvation... 

But Jesus isn't biting.

He turns a theological argument into a personal challenge for the one who dares ask the question! 
"Strive to enter through the narrow door."

Always be careful when asking Jesus about "them".  He has away of turning the subject back to "YOU".  

Let me tell you what Jesus is not concerned with.  He's not concerned with your theological presuppositions of who gets saved and who doesn't.  He is concerned that you make the effort to come to Him in humility and perseverance.  STRIVE!  Go through the narrow door, this is going to be difficult and challenging and you won't get many people joining you.  Some will try to do this on their terms and it won't work out for them, make sure you're coming to me as I expect you to come to me... like a child, poor in spirit, hungry and thirsty for righteousness.

Jesus knows the more we worry about "them" the less we focus on "us" and our own development into Christ-like character.  

Don't worry about their standing, when God is more concerned about yours!

Father, I examine myself tonight.  I ask forgiveness for the pride of my heart that often veers into concern for the standing of others rather than my place before you!  I want to press on even when others don't.  I want to be found faithful even when others aren't.  I need you.  I love you.  Amen.


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