Wired To Worship

I know every one says this nowadays.

We are hard-wired to worship something.  If not God, then something else.

They have never found a culture or tribe of men where worship was not part of their make up.  Its in our DNA.  We are going to worship something that we feel gives us what we need, hope for and long for.

Unfortunately we worship the wrong gods.  Idols of importance, pleasure, desire, lusts, and even ourselves.  This is the most common form of religion today - "Me-ism."  And we do things that we feel meets our needs.

Jesus Christ came to set us free from me-ism.  He did.  He paid for it with His blood.  His sacrifice is the enablement for our worship to be correctly aimed at our true and only God.

Hebrews 9:13–14 (NLT) Under the old system, the blood of goats and bulls and the ashes of a young cow could cleanse people’s bodies from ceremonial impurity. 14 Just think how much more the blood of Christ will purify our consciences from sinful deeds so that we can worship the living God. For by the power of the eternal Spirit, Christ offered himself to God as a perfect sacrifice for our sins.

Did you see the "so that" in this passage?  I love "so that"s in the Bible.  They are everywhere and they always have something good to share with us.  

Jesus died and rose again SO THAT we could worship the living God. 

I know in my life, I'm tempted to even use the death and resurrection of Jesus to do more me-ism stuff.  Especially as a minister this temptation is strong.  Jesus can be a tool through which I become important in the eyes of others.  Many men desired to go into pulpit ministry for the importance of oneself it proposes.  When reality sets in and we need to deal with people and love them in spite of them, many turn away.

I've been thinking about this tonight especially.  Do I use Jesus to worship me?  Do I have a false idol of self-importance whereby I use the gifts God has given to "look good" in the eyes of others.  Have I become a Pharisee who does everything "for men to see?"  

I thank God for revelations like this.  They help me correct my worship and get back in line.  

Father, release your servant from having to feel important.  My life is made to WORSHIP you.  And I will never be fulfilled outside of that.  Help me fulfill my God given purpose to make much of who YOU are.


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