Burning Under the Curtain

Hebrews 9:28 (ESV) so Christ, having been offered once to bear the sins of many, will appear a second time, not to deal with sin but to save those who are eagerly waiting for him.

Salvation happens in three acts.
We were saved when Christ called us and we responded to His grace in repentance and confession.
We are being saved, i.e. sanctified and made holy by Christ's blood.
We will be saved at His soon return.

Are we EAGERLY waiting for Him?

I think of the many things we wait for.  We can't wait to grow up.  We can't wait to go to college.  We can't wait to get out of college.  We can't wait to get our first job... second job... retire.  Whatever it is we can't wait for.  It seems as soon as we find it, we wait for something else.

Are we waiting for Him to return? 

The author of Hebrews talks in chapter 9 about the day of atonement.  When the high priest would once a year enter into the Holy of Holies and return from behind the curtain to proclaim the sins of the people had been dealt with, an offering for sin had been accepted by God.

Beautifully now in likewise fashion, we believers await Christ to return again just like that high priest did all those many years.  The old veil is torn through His death, and we are in the presence of God here and now.  Yet final consummation comes when Christ comes back from behind the heavenly and saves us with finality.

Can you imagine that?  The very presence of God?  We can get only a taste today.  We have no idea what it will look like then.  But we know WHO will be there.  

I remember the nearest I ever felt God this side of that curtain to this day 25 years later.  It was awesome.  It set me on fire and I still love and serve the Lord.  Oh how I long to have that experience again.  It hasn't happened again in that real of a moment since.  But one day, it will be my forever reality.  

How my heart burns within me.

Father, I look forward to being in your presence.  Thank you for the blood sacrifice of my great High Priest Jesus Christ.  I honor you.  I love you. Please help me keep my fire of eager expectation alive and well.  When I dont' want to pray, prod me back in.  When I stray away, come whisper.  I ask this in Jesus Name.


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