Don't Dangle

When I get bored sometimes I like to take my wedding ring and dangle it from finger to finger seeing how many times I can flip it between them.  It's my way of passing the time.  Of course, I'm playing with fire.  Eventually the ring flings off the tips of my fingers onto the floor, rolls fast and furiously away from me and I start to scramble for it's redemption!

I share this because the Greek word used in Hebrews 2:1 carries the same meaning as what I do with my ring on occasion.

Hebrews 2:1 (ESV) Therefore we must pay much closer attention to what we have heard, lest we drift away from it.

The words "drift away" is one word in Greek.  The word "pararrhueo" is very picturesque.  It can mean to slip off as in a ring from a finger. 

This is why we have to pay attention.  Our thoughts can lead us away from the message of the Gospel. We start to let it dangle off the tip of our finger, only to suddenly realize how lost we are without it.  

What messages do we tend to lean toward when we lose attention for the Gospel?
- That we must make the grade on our efforts.
- That God is angry with us.
- That we've sinned to far.
- That Jesus can't forgive us.

How easy it is to lose sight of the Good News of Jesus Christ.

Notice the author commands us not to pay attention to our behavior.  It is not trying harder to keep in line that makes us act right.  He calls us to pay attention to what we have heard.  He calls us to relive it, to remember the Gospel, to give it our closer attention.  

He says, "we must pay much closer attention."  Like looking thoroughly at a picture you've seen a thousand times.  Eventually upon closer attention, you find something unique you've never seen before.  You see how the Old Testament was pointing this direction in every story.  You see how grace and faith trump works and effort.  Then you rejoice and serve the Lord with gladness of heart.

In a world of bad news, let's pay the good news much closer attention.

Father, my eyes also get led away from Your work on my behalf.  I wander in my thoughts and wander in my ways.  Keep me steadfastly grounded in the good news of salvation.  And make it change me more than ever.  In Jesus' Name.


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