Christ and Prayer

We all struggle with prayer.  Sometimes I think we are afraid to confess it, but more often than not, we seem disappointed with prayer, disconnected from continual prayer, and lost in how prayer should work in our lives.

What does Jesus model for us in prayer?  Hebrews tells us:
Hebrews 5:7 (ESV) In the days of his flesh, Jesus offered up prayers and supplications, with loud cries and tears, to him who was able to save him from death, and he was heard because of his reverence.

This one verse is jam packed full of goodies for us who struggle to pray.

First, Jesus modeled that we should pray with emotion in earnest. Don't tip toe around the throne room of God with an "if only" attitude.  Equally offensive is the "if it's not too much trouble" type prayer and the quiet whispering "maybe I want it" kind of request.  In the last chapter of Hebrews we are told to come boldly to the throne of grace to receive help and mercy!

God is looking for people who pray like they mean it.  "The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much." Look up the number of times the Bible shows someone "crying out."  Even Hannah in her bitterness prayed quietly but with great emotion noticeable from a distant Elkana.  Pray like you mean it.

Second, put your faith in GOD.  Jesus didn't rely on prayer, He relied on the Father which led to prayer.  So often we throw prayer around like it's a get well card, "I'm praying for you." Or we pray aimlessly as if the praying is some kind of medical meditation.  It is not!  Prayer is useless apart from the Father.  Call out to GOD, who knows you, loves you, and wants to reward you in JESUS' NAME.

Third, let reverence rule your heart.  Reverence is a word meaning "deep respect for someone or something".  Honor God with your time in prayer.  Don't approach the Lord of the Universe flippantly.  He is worthy of attention, time and worship.  Spend time in reverence before God.  And then, when you have submitted your request, submit your will.  God will have the final say.  Let Him have it.  Obey.  Like Jesus in the Garden who prayed that there might be another way, He gave the Father his cares and then gave Him control.

Thank you Lord, for one verse with so much insight into a prayer life that honors you and gets results.

For everyone reading this now I pray, lead them to a life full of heart-felt communication with you Lord.  May they see answers to their prayers as they submit to your will and plan.  Thank you Lord for the answers I've seen recently.  I know you are hearing me.  And I'm humbled that you care for me. 


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