Set Apart and Called

Galatians 1:15-16 (ESV) But when he who had set me apart before I was born, and who called me by his grace, 16 was pleased to reveal his Son to me, in order that I might preach him among the Gentiles, I did not immediately consult with anyone;

God works in mysterious ways.  I know that's not in the bible, but it's still true for many of us.  Jesus shows up to this man named Paul.  He is the leading Hebrew scholar of his day.  He is advancing beyond his peers in Judaism and zealous for the traditions.  

God sends him to the Gentiles who know nothing of the law.  But he only got to the Gentiles because he was able to start churches through local Jewish synagogues where he proved Jesus was the Christ from the scriptures he knew so well.  Could you imagine getting into a debate with Paul?  That would be no contest!  Yet this passion and zeal was not his ultimate calling.  It was God's programming...God used his study to help Paul do what Jesus set him apart to do.

That's how God works. 

There's a good chance you have a special skill, trade, or particular hobby that you seem to excel at.  You don't understand why its there but its there.  It drives you and it fulfills you.  Guess what.  It was implanted by God.  He put it there by His divine directive.  Why?  So you could use it for His ultimate purpose.

I have a friend who had a gift for playing in the NFL.  He preaches the gospel today to churches all over the nation.  I know a kid who traveled with a band for 15 months only to be used powerfully in our church to design a concert feel for our worship team.  My wife is gifted with design and I learned long ago not to argue with her tastes.  We have one of the best looking churches ever because of her. 

I was gifted with musical passion and talent which ultimately exposed me to leadership opportunities and telling people about Christ from the pulpit which I still do today.  

The gifts you have are strategic predetermined gifts from God.  And they aren't meant to define you.  They are meant to position you for God's ultimate purpose... leading people to Christ.  It may be the ability to make money so you can fund missions and churches who preach the Gospel.  It may be computers and programming, so you can design websites and programs to reach the nations.  Even the buddhist Steve Jobs was gifted to create new ways of communicating long audio programs called podcasts which churches use across the world to send the Gospel into people's ears every second of every day.

What do you have?  Where are your passions?  Don't serve them.  Let them serve the purposes of God!

That's what you were born for.

Father, help me see what you've given me as a trust.  Every opportunity, every gift, every ability... Lord, they are for your purposes and plan.  I want to be diligent in my gifts and passionate about developing them so that you can get the best possible use out of me.


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