Take the Onus Off You!

You don't earn God's grace.
You don't earn God's acceptance.
You don't earn God's forgiveness.
You don't earn God's love.

There is nothing you can earn from God.  Stop trying.

Paul has one more thing we cannot earn from God to add to the list in Galatians 3:5.

Galatians 3:5–6 (ESV) Does he who supplies the Spirit to you and works miracles among you do so by works of the law, or by hearing with faith— 6 just as Abraham “believed God, and it was counted to him as righteousness”?

The Spirit and miracles are grace gifts.  I think about how many times we try to earn "more of God" and powerful works from Him by doing better, fasting, praying more, trying harder.  Now, don't misread me, we must fast, pray, and try!  Of course it is God who calls us to WORK OUT our salvation with fear and trembling.  YET, we cannot think these things as a means to an end we want from God.

It's all about faith.  Trusting in God.  Trusting that He loves you enough to do what is best for you. Trusting Him like a father trusting a child as he jumps out of a tree into his father's waiting arms.  The child doesn't need to earn that from his daddy, he actually expects it from his daddy.  

God is pleased to bless His children.  How offended I would be if my children thought they had to earn my love and care for them.  When they are in need, I'm going to supply it!  And I do that as an "evil" person compared to the heavenly Father!  My children don't feel the need to impress me with dutiful heartless service so that I love them and bless them.  My children ask and receive... of course when it's a good thing they receive!  

Trust God.  He loves you.  

It's much better than working harder to twist His arm.

Father, help me to trust you.  When I feel like I need to earn it, help me remember your grace.  I love you and thank you for your goodness to me.


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