Makes No Difference To Me

I love this phrase from Paul in Galatians.

In Chapter 2, Paul is busy defending his calling to a church he started to the people he reached with the Gospel.  He tells them about his revelation with Christ, and his journey to Jerusalem, the birthplace of the Gospel.  He talks about meeting the premier Apostles.  And this is his phrase:

Galatians 2:6 (ESV) And from those who seemed to be influential (what they were makes no difference to me; God shows no partiality)—those, I say, who seemed influential added nothing to me.

I love that!
"What they were makes no difference to me" and in parenthesis to boot!  Paul doesn't care what position or status or reputation people have!   Don't mistake this for a lack of honor.  Paul shows honor to the rulers and authorities of his day often in the book of Acts. 

But when it comes to the Gospel... Paul does not care what credentials you have, this is what I'm going to preach because this is what Christ delivered to me!  That's conviction.  Oh to have that kind of conviction in preaching the Gospel.  Too many sermons are devoted to saying what people want to hear.  Too many preachers are under the pressure to entertain rather than call to repentance.  

I want to point out, it was the super religious who gave Paul a hard time.  As always, those who think they are "really holy" are the ones who give the most trouble.  Paul saw it, I've seen it.  It's not the far from God people - the "uncircumcised" that give you problems, it's those who have convinced themselves they "have arrived."

Yet I find myself getting less and less concerned with what people think or who they THINK they are! I'm so glad about it.  Because I'm a baby of the family and for this to even start happening is a miracle.  Babies in the family are born to please and impress people.  I know many people struggle here, not just the youngest children.

So how do we overcome it?  We become convinced of our Lord's words and ways in our heart.  That Jesus loves those far from God even if those "near" to Him don't realize it.  It may cost you a few friends, but in the end it's the best way to follow the friend of sinners.

Father you are good!  Thank you for this work in my life and I pray and trust you to complete it.  I want to be concerned ONLY with what you think of me.  I want to be consumed with your passions and your pleasure.  In Jesus' Mighty Name! Amen.


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