Now You Know Him!

The difference Christ makes?  Simple.  We now can know the Father!

Notice Paul's argument in Galatians 4:

Galatians 4:9 (ESV) now that you have come to know God, or rather to be known by God, how can you turn back again to the weak and worthless elementary principles of the world, whose slaves you want to be once more?

Paul says how can you possibly turn back to the legalistic requirements of the law (not the heart of the law) to serve God when you have been saved by Christ?  Being saved is knowing God. 

How often we try to describe being saved by what we did, who we were and what we are now.  When in fact, the Bible doesn't talk about that as much as personal knowledge of God.  "I will put my laws on their hearts" God said.  We can and do know the Father because of Christ.

Christ has set us free from external formalism when approaching God.  Now we cry out "Abba Father!" (verse 6).

The difference is our approach.  Do we come to God with routine, rules and regulations, trying hard to make an effort to be with Him and make Him happy?  That's not salvation.

Salvation is sweet adoption into His family.  It is precious intimacy and knowledge of God as Father, our provider and care taker.  We can draw close to Him as we are, let Him speak to us and in love change us and correct us and model us into what He desires us to be. 

The difference is astronomical.  

Thank you Jesus.

Father, I thank you for Jesus.  For coming to know you is the highest privilege of life.  


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