How To Get Through a Hard Time - Hebrews Start

The book of Hebrews is written to a church in the midst of struggle and persecution.  How do you encourage a church facing a ton of opposition?  What do you open with?  What are your first words?

You point them to JESUS!

The first chapter of Hebrews has to do with the Supremacy of Christ!

Hebrews 1:3 (ESV) He is the radiance of the glory of God and the exact imprint of his nature, and he upholds the universe by the word of his power. After making purification for sins, he sat down at the right hand of the Majesty on high,

There is something about Jesus that lifts us up and brings us through.  The writer spends the first 4 verses talking about the NAME of Jesus.  It is superior to the angels!  So just the mention of His name and the pronouncement of His power brings us hope in the midst of a world.  

He is more than you think!  Some believe JEsus was a good man.  Some believe He was sent by God as a deliverer.  Some believe He was the voice of God.  But He is those things and so much more. 

He is the radiance of the glory of God.  The exact imprint of His nature.  What is God like?  God is like Jesus.  My seminary professor said, "God is very Christlike."  He is holy and awesome and willing to associate with the lowly and troublesome.

The first chapter of Hebrews wants to make one thing clear: There is no one and no other greater than Jesus.  It's funny, he spends the first chapter talking alone about how much greater Jesus is than angels. How often we see the world sing and celebrate and think about angels.  We want our "guardian" angels.  We call our children angels.  We pray for God's angelic protection - and we should BUT - Jesus is greater!  He is the image of the invisible God.

I'm convinced when life is a struggle, how we see Jesus is central.  The hope you need in tragedy is not angelic guidance, but a divine revelation of the Son of God.  When the world turns against you, seek Jesus!  Praise Jesus!  Glorify Jesus!

Praise the NAME of Jesus. At the Name of Jesus every knee should bow and tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord!


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