Tomorrow or Today

James 4:17 (ESV) So whoever knows the right thing to do and fails to do it, for him it is sin.

The sins you commit are obviously wrong.
The sins you omit are just as wrong according to the scriptures.

It may seem harsh to us, but according to scripture, the sin of NOT doing the RIGHT thing is just as wrong as doing the wrong thing.  How often we are quick to confess what we did wrong while failing to confess what we neglected?  The Lord takes these sins just as seriously, as in Matthew 25 - all three parables picture judgment coming on those who failed to do something before the time of judgment.

But why don't we take sins of omission seriously?  It is because we think about them so infrequently.

James 4:17 is found after James' command to those who plan for a future apart from the guidance of the Lord.  That those who plan tomorrow to make money and trade in business need to consider the brevity of their lives.  Then, after that, he talks about knowing the right thing to do and failing to do it.  Now I see why this seemingly out of place verse is exactly where it should be.  James is telling us, it is foolish to live for ourselves in the future when there are here and now opportunities to live for others in the present.

The fact is our default propensity in life is to aim ahead at what we want to do with our lives. We aim for success in our business and financial position - the exact implications James makes in verse 13.  In fact, I wonder if the goats in Jesus' parable of Matthew 25 were neglectful of the sick, imprisoned, hungry and naked among them because they were too busy making plans for their own lives in the future.

The solution is not to stop thinking of the future.  The Proverbs have many scriptures about the wisdom of planning and preparing ourselves.  Jesus kept His eyes on the Cross throughout the Gospels.  On the cross, He thought of the reward before Him.  The solution is to not think so much of the future that you forget today.

Do not neglect where you are.  It's a gift.  It's from God.  It's happening now.  There are people in your life as an assignment from God.  Are you making the grade with them?  There are opportunities to serve before you, are you over looking them?

Yes, Jesus thought ahead.  But He stopped in His tracks for anyone who needed His help; the woman with the issue of blood, Jarius' daughter, Zacchaeus, Bartimaeus just to name of few.  He knew the present was the best time to be present - and serve.

Perhaps that is why Psalm 46:1 says, "God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble."

Father, you answered my prayer last night.  You reminded me during the day of a time when I needed to put myself second.  Now I ask you, cautiously, to help me see where I'm missing the opportunities to serve and help others.  I think so much about how I want to move or go and achieve.  Help me notice the opportunities to do what is right - right before my eyes.  In Jesus' Name.


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