A New Way Of Life

I've never noticed before how much shorter Matthew 28 is compared to all the other chapters in the Bible.  Of course I'm aware there were original chapter divisions in the text.  But it still amazes me that the central element of our faith - the Resurrection of our Lord - is given only 23 verses total if you take out the conspiracy of the guards and the elders that the disciples stole his body away.

23 verses.  And the book is finished.


I think its because the power of that reality changes everything you do.  It turns bystanders into active participants of the greatest truth ever told.  It's a whole new way of life... so why keep reading and talking about it when we have to get busy spreading it.

Even when Matthew records the disciples first meeting with the Lord - and there were many others beside this one - it is a meeting with an agenda.  "I'm alive, I have the authority of heaven and earth, go tell everyone about Me."

Matthew was there... he would know how the meeting went down.

And perhaps that is why it ends with such brevity.  Matthew knew the one who saved Him was alive and the world needed to hear it.  Why sit around postulating the how and details and let's get busy spreading the message of our Lord and Saviors resurrection.

My studies in Seminary tend to drag on postulations and theories.  My one fear is that I let it drag me down as well.  Sometimes I forget the power of the resurrection.  The simple force of that reality for me and for all who believe is incredible and wonderful.  How often we settle for a story from the world instead of the Story to change the world.

May I never lose the sense of it's power.
May I never forget its promise.
May I live in it's purpose... to tell the world.

Father, I want to live in the power of your resurrection.  I know it requires suffering first.  Yet I know the sufferings cannot compare with the glories that will be revealed in us. Let me live afresh and anew in the power of this reality... your Son resurrected... the future of my eternity sealed with Him.  Amen and Amen.


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