The Task Is Far Too Tough To Do it Alone

Jesus is alive. What now?

Make disciples.
Not just 12, the Nations.... how many?  All of them.
And don't just get their names on your membership roles... you're going to need to teach them to observe my commandments.

This command was given to a group of runaways who saw Him alive now and were still doubting (Note verse 17).

This is a BIG job.  It's not just telling people to believe in Him.  It is taking His Lordship into discipleship, teaching and training people far from God into a dynamic obedient relationship with God.  In fact, this job is down right impossible.

It's why we need God's power... the Holy Spirit or bust.  We cannot do this on our own but we think we can way too often.  And it's never been meant to be done in the natural anyway.  The job was too large to begin with for us to think we could be inventive enough to make it happen.

Every Christian has to ask... every Church has to decide... in who's strength are you going to operate?  Because even if you weren't one of the 11 standing on the hillside as Jesus gave these orders, you know that life following Christ is still impossible at times.  To always keep your tongue in check.  To mind your attitude.  To love your enemy and forgive your consistently disappointing brother or sister.  And not only do it, need others how to do it too.

Overwhelmed yet?

Perfect.  Receive the POWER God gave for you to do it.  When was the last time you could say about something you did, "That wasn't me"?  Great question posed by our Youth Pastor last week.  When was the last time you knew the Holy Spirit stepped in and empowered you to step up?

Growing older, I realize the tendency is to rely on what I know I can do and keep the stuff I need God for at a safe distance.  Shame on me.  This isn't about what I can do... It's about what God wants me to do.

Reach the nations.
Change the lives of millions.
Don't stop... till the end of the age.


HOLY SPIRIT, I need you.  I ask forgiveness Father for denying the power I have available with you.  I ask forgiveness for whining and complaining about my life instead of walking in the newness of life.  I ask you Holy Spirit for a fresh touch and fulness to do your work on this World.  In Jesus Name.


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