Get to Work

Matthew 25:18 But he who had received the one talent went and dug in the ground and hid his master's money.

Hiding someone else's money seems ridiculous.  I can understand hiding your own money.  You are afraid of losing it.  But someone else's money just seems silly.

There's a subtle lesson to learn here: This servant acted like the money was his.

We forget, our money is actually God's money.  What we do with it can look foolish when we start to act like it's ours.

  • When we spend it on what does not last.
  • When we hoard it for our children to be far too well off.
  • When we hide it.

Money is not made to be hidden.  Money is made to be used, a tool given by God, entrusted to us until He returns.  There will be an accounting.

The ones who lived like the money was their masters doubled up, they succeeded wildly!  That's the lesson of this scripture more than anything.  You can't lose when you go to work with God's resources REMEMBERING they are God's resources.

But it's not just money...
It's time, talents, resources, opportunities, personality.

Some commentators believe this verse was a sort of jab at the Essenes - a select group of Jews who dug holes in the desert away from society to avoid the contamination of the world.  It sounds like it may be.  And it sure does line up with Jesus' heart for lost sinners and the spiritually sick.  Jesus didn't hide.  He knew He had a job from the Father.  And He went to work.

Help me to remember all I have is yours.  Show me where I'm foolishly acting like it's mine.  There may be things I don't see... I'm sure of it.  I ask you to give me the guts to stop fearing what could happen badly and expect great things to happen positively.  


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