Draw a Line in the Sand

2 John 10–11 (NLT) If anyone comes to your meeting and does not teach the truth about Christ, don’t invite that person into your home or give any kind of encouragement. 11 Anyone who encourages such people becomes a partner in their evil work.

John knew how to draw a line in the sand.  For all the talk about how he was the "soft" disciple, the beloved disciple, and the most in touch with his feelings disciple... he knew when and how to take a strong stand for the truth.

2 John is a book many of us ignore.  That is a mistake.

We need to be aware, not every person who claims to speak for God is really speaking for God.  While there are outsider skeptics who avoid church because of such people, the fact is, the church is called to take a stand against them FIRST!

I've met many people who have been turned off from Church because of some kind of weird teaching or power-abusing leader.  If the church would have just done its job to expose and deny them, we'd have a much better reputation with outsiders.  

If we would just pay attention to what we are to do as the church, and defend our faith strongly and firmly - perhaps even those who disagree with us would have a hard time finding fault with us. 

And notice how John opens his letter.  Love one another.  That's first.  Don't just rush headlong into exposing the false teachers before you practice a ministry of love one for another.  

Father, the Church that bears your Sons name needs so much help in America.  We are so prone to look like the world and act recklessly with your Word.  Forgive us and help us.  Raise up men who will stand for truth without shame.  Help us to seek the good of your body even when it means cutting off a part of it.


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