Telling the Truth When it Hurts

In Acts 24, Paul is in the midst of a drawn out trial brought against him by the Jews for desecrating the temple. They have no proof, their witness have fled, and Paul is in custody with limitedfreedom granted by Governor Felix in Caesarea.

One occasion, Felix brought Paul out of jail to hear him speak. What would you say while sitting in custody to the governor when there's no proof of wrongdoing on your part? Reason for your freedom? Beg for your freedom? Plead your case? Bargain?

Perhaps we would do that. But Paul doesn't.

Acts 24:24–25 (ESV) After some days Felix came with his wife Drusilla, who was Jewish, and he sent for Paul and heard him speak about faith in Christ Jesus. 25 And as he reasoned about righteousness and self-control and the coming judgment, Felix was alarmed and said, “Go away for the present. When I get an opportunity I will summon you.”

Paul speaks about Jesus. He can't help it. Remember Paul's words from 2 Corinthians 5:14 (ESV) the love of Christ controls us. Paul was a faithful Apostle who could not but speak and tell what he had seen and heard.

Also notice the message was not sugar-coated or watered-down even to the official with Paul's freedom in his hand! Paul has a lot to lose telling the truth of Jesus and talking about righteousness and self-control to a man on his third wife from a family drenched in sins recorded in scripture (Drusilla was the grand-daughter of Herod who slaughtered babies in Bethlehem, the Great-Niece of Herod who killed John the Baptist, and the daughter of Herod who killed the Apostle James.)

Paul tells the truth. And it hurts his chances for early release. When Felix is replaced here's what it says:
Acts 24:27 (ESV) 27 When two years had elapsed, Felix was succeeded by Porcius Festus. And desiring to do the Jews a favor, Felix left Paul in prison.

For two years Paul preached to this man. And instead of winning him over, the Truth of Jesus hardened his heart and he left Paul in chains. Here Paul represents what is Christian commitment is all about. It's not serving God for what you can get out of life. It's serving God because you are always aware of what He's already done for your life!

Today Felix is a footnote in history and Paul is a hero of the Faith. Standing for the truth, speaking the truth, and living in the Truth is what counts past this momentary life. Paul knew he could do nothing less than what Christ called him to do, even if it cost him a little jail time.

Father, help me to say what You want me to say when You want me to say it. Help me not to serve you for what it may get me, but rather because of what You've already done for me. Empower me to be consistent in my life and speech, no matter who is listening and whatever results it produces. In Christ's Name, Amen.


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