
The rest of the story is going to be about what Paul does for Jesus Christ.

He's going to reach the ends of the Earth with the Gospel message. He's going to be used far more than anyone except Jesus. He is going to suffer terribly, be delivered remarkably, and empowered tremendously for the sake of Christ. His Holy Spirit inspired writings will inspire Billions if not Trillions of Christians worldwide to love Jesus with all their heart.

But before his story gets started, there was a man we hardly ever mention. Ananias. I've titled this post after him because he doesn't get much notoriety in the church. Yet his obedience in what seemed absolutely crazy proved to be the manner through which the Apostle Paul would be turned fully to the Lord.

He puts up a fight at first. He tries to explain to the Lord what Paul was all about... as if the Lord needed the information...

But in one simple act, Ananias' faithfulness in going to this former enemy with the words, "Brother Saul" forever altered the course of history.

Acts 9:17 (ESV) So Ananias departed and entered the house. And laying his hands on him he said, “Brother Saul, the Lord Jesus who appeared to you on the road by which you came has sent me so that you may regain your sight and be filled with the Holy Spirit.”

Never forget that anyone who darkens the door of your church could be a "Brother Saul." Someone who you would never imagine could be God's chosen instrument may sitting in front of you next week or behind you a few months from now. Never forget God can use anyone.

This is the POWER of the movement Jesus created! The power of obeying the voice of the Holy Spirit. Once Jesus gets a hold of people, watch out - some of them are going to set the world on fire!

Never be alarmed at the haters either - those who persecute the body of Christ. Our greatest Apostle was one of them and the Lord simply turned him into something no one saw coming. This is why we need to love everyone! Through Jesus anyone can be God's chosen vessel for good.

Ananias did two simple things. He spoke to Paul as a brother and laid his hands on him. What a powerful picture of the church in action. Our weapons are not of this world for sure! Words of comfort and admonition, hands of acceptance and kindness can do what no military weapon will ever do.

Simple acts of obedience toward people is enough the change the world.

And for that, God can use you.

Father, use me in kind words and a gentle touch. Help me to remember that no human is my enemy. Help me to remember the power of the Gospel, the power of Jesus' Name! Help me to walk in obedience even when it seems crazy. Help me to listen. Help me to hear. Help me to do what you did for me.


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