God's People

God's people aren't like our people. They aren't the ones you'd pick first in flag football or at the high school dance for king and queen. They aren't the ones man looks at. God's people are the people we least expect. The have-nots of society, the ones others discount and discredit. The people who know they are poor in spirit and have no shot outside of His grace.

That was the Corinthians.

Amazingly, God comes to Paul to tell him something powerful right as he begins ministry in this very pagan city.

Acts 18:9–10 (ESV) And the Lord said to Paul one night in a vision, “Do not be afraid, but go on speaking and do not be silent, 10 for I am with you, and no one will attack you to harm you, for I have many in this city who are my people.”

Paul is emboldened by this, stays 18 months establishing a church in the city who would later become the recipients of 2 Canonized letters... 1 & 2 Corinthians. And this church needed a lot of help. Yet what an incredible beginning for a church filled with so many people who didn't sound very sanctified in those letters.

But God had people in Corinth. A Paul needed to hear that.

I wonder how many of us in the church we serve need to hear this kind of encouragement about our context? God has people right there waiting to be reached, discipled, and sent. He has you there for a reason and He will bless your work. Jesus said the fields are white unto harvest... there are people in every context the Holy Spirit is working on. And God is looking for men/women who will serve their context with expectancy that He is with them and NO devil can stop them!

When it looks like society is becoming so secular you haven't got a chance with your church, remember God's Word to Paul, He's got many people in YOUR city.  When it looks like no one is listening or the obstacles are too overwhelming, please remember, God has people in this city.

Secondly, remember God's people aren't the people you'd pick. Don't be surprised if the people God promises you turn out to be the projects you wish you didn't have or weren't prepared for. Paul writes a heated letter to this church a few years from now because of their immature, worldly divisive ways. They tolerated sexual immorality and treated the poor with contempt. They were easily manipulated by high-minded speakers and led into a mistrust of Paul, the very many who brought them the Gospel!

This is what ministry and church life looks like. And sometimes we get discouraged with our city and/or the people God has placed in our church. 

But they are HIS.
And they matter.
So don't be afraid.

Father, help me to see people with your eyes. Help me to see them for what they could be and not what they are now. And most of all, help me to believe in the power of the Holy Spirit and the power of the Gospel to change lives and turn around societies. Use me where you see fit, and fill me with boldness to serve the area where I am planted. Amen.


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