Acts Ends the same way it Began

If the book of Acts is a manifesto of the church after Jesus left and studied to see what this movement is all about (as I believe it is), there can be no doubt the one overarching theme is covered from beginning to end.

We are called to share the message of Jesus with boldness to everyone.

Silence is not an option.
Social help is wonderful but not our primary calling.
Gathering in denominational "tribes" is not our job.

We are here to preach and preach Jesus.

Paul finally arrives in Rome. He's going to be tried. When he gets there, the Jews had heard nothing of them and had no charges to bring. So Paul preaches. Some listen, some don't. He moves on. He is given peace for the first time in years.

What does he do at the end of the book?
He settles into Roman life and preaches Jesus.
Acts 28:30–31 (ESV) He lived there two whole years at his own expense, and welcomed all who came to him, 31 proclaiming the kingdom of God and teaching about the Lord Jesus Christ with all boldness and without hindrance.

This is a preaching movement. It always has been and it always will be. Many have assumed the Church is about making Christians comfortable until Christ comes. Nothing could be further from the truth. Some believe the Church is here to establish and uphold her traditions. NOPE. Some believe the Church is here to experience spiritual wonders and miracles. They can gather a crowd of Christians and put on a "great" show, but ultimately that is not our purpose.

We are here to preach and tell everyone we can about Jesus. 

I believe God honors a Church that does whatever it takes to make Jesus known. I believe God honors those who share His Son with others. 

That is the theme of this awesome book. Paul's mission was to carry Christ to the uttermost parts of the Earth, and if you read Acts - God always paves a way to make that happen. There is no true risk when you're all about sharing Christ. God will provide, and God will make a way.

Take it to the bank!

Father, may I always live my life to make Christ known. I pray that I may live with passion to preach and proclaim Jesus in my life and with all who I meet or know. Amen.


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