How We Meet Jesus

We all meet Jesus individually. Everyone of us has a different story and a different set of circumstances and even different scriptures that led us to Christ. I think one of my all time favorite stories is found in Acts 8.

An Ethiopian Eunuch is riding home from Jerusalem. He had "come to worship and was returning" Luke makes sure to tell us. Why? Because Deuteronomy 23:1 tells us that emasculated men could not enter the temple. He came 800 miles and was rejected in Jerusalem.

On the way back God sends Philip to seek him out. Philip comes off the massive success in Samaria where demons are fleeing and lives are being radically changed to minister to this one seemingly unimportant individual. Philip is a true evangelist, moving at the prompting of the spirit to share the good news. He could have reveled in his success in Samaria, but no... one small prompt sends him far away to far fewer people.

Because to God, every one matters.

The scripture he was reading is very interesting as well, the bible records this man was reading from Isaiah 53, the impassioned prophecy of Christ's death.

Acts 8:33 (ESV) In his humiliation justice was denied him. Who can describe his generation? For his life is taken away from the earth.”

What a scripture for this Eunuch to read! For he too was a humiliated man having been castrated for the service of others. He was denied justice in Jerusalem having come 800 miles to worship and rejected. And like Christ, his life was taken away before he could have a "generation" of descendants. 

No wonder this man was so enthusiastic about baptism! He met the Christ! He saw his story in Christ's story and the personal nature of knowing God in flesh overtook his life! This rejected man is now sought and saved by the personal Savior.

How awesome is the Lord Jesus Christ. He associates with us. He meets us where we are.

It's not program with Jesus, it's not principles and ideals. Its incredibly personal. And it can be different in any number of ways so that every one can come to know the God who seeks and saves the lost.

Father, help me to be a Philip. Help me to tell people the good news no matter where I am. Help me to listen to the Spirit speaking to me. Open my ears and heart to Your voice. Help me to leave my comfort zone and step out in faith for the sake of those who do not know! And empower my life to be a shining light for the world and the salt of the Earth so that all may know Jesus.


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