Paul Quotes a Poem About Zeus

At Athens, Paul preaches a message very different from any other in Acts. He doesn't reason from the scriptures, he reasons from one of their poets. This means two things: First, Paul was familiar with their poetry and Philosophers. Second, Paul gladly leveraged non-Biblical sources to point to the Biblical God. We should take a lesson.

Speaking in the Areopagus:
Acts 17:26–28 (ESV) And he made from one man every nation of mankind to live on all the face of the earth, having determined allotted periods and the boundaries of their dwelling place, 27 that they should seek God, and perhaps feel their way toward him and find him. Yet he is actually not far from each one of us, 28 for “ ‘In him we live and move and have our being’; as even some of your own poets have said, “ ‘For we are indeed his offspring.’

The last line comes from a poem about Zeus. How crazy is that! 

It is important to note that Paul entered the city and was initially provoked by the idols. That can happen to us all. We see the idols of our world and even our own hearts, these things we trust in that are so unfitting. We can get angry. But we must not stay there. At then end of the day people are lost and they don't even know it. But Paul collects himself and starts from where they are. He doesn't level them with a fundamental diatribe. He appeals to their prophets and writers. 

Paul was definitely a man who could adjust. How important it is for we who share Christ to be aware of the context of those with whom we share Him. We cannot assume people are where we think they are. It is OUR job, not theirs to cross the cavern and address them where they are. It may seem unfair, but it is completely like Christ. Christ crossed the greatest cavern to come to us. He died the worst death to redeem us, and he gave Himself to draw us to the Father. How could we treat others who are just like who we were any different.

Lastly, Paul didn't stay long. He didn't sow where the field was hard. He was wise enough to cut his losses and move on. Sometimes the goal of reaching people becomes centered on one person, trying so hard to get them to know Christ, but we must learn to let go and let God. Paul had reached out and preached, the rest was in God's hands.

May we learn to do the same.

Father, my prayer is for a passion to love people far from You enough to go to them and meet them where they are. Help me to get out of my comfort zone and talk. I believe the Holy Spirit is in me, I ask for His fullness so that I may be bold in sharing Christ. Amen.


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