Loving God with Your Mind

The Christian faith does not give you an excuse to check your intellect and common sense at the door. These were given to you by God who made you in His image and likeness. Use them, don't disregard them.

Paul rarely was miraculously delivered from trouble. Very rarely.

Here in Acts 25, after 2 years of sitting in a Caesarean prison, he faces his accusers once again before a newly placed Governor name Festus. Paul again states his defense but knows there's a chance he could be set free only to be ambushed by the Jews seeking his life.

Here's Paul's defense:
Acts 25:8–11 (ESV) Paul argued in his defense, “Neither against the law of the Jews, nor against the temple, nor against Caesar have I committed any offense.” 9 But Festus, wishing to do the Jews a favor, said to Paul, “Do you wish to go up to Jerusalem and there be tried on these charges before me?” 10 But Paul said, “I am standing before Caesar’s tribunal, where I ought to be tried. To the Jews I have done no wrong, as you yourself know very well. 11 If then I am a wrongdoer and have committed anything for which I deserve to die, I do not seek to escape death. But if there is nothing to their charges against me, no one can give me up to them. I appeal to Caesar.”

Notice how Paul knew the law and procedures. He was confident and competent.

When he appeals to Caesar you wonder if he had jumped the gun since later in the story we find out he could have been released. But appealing to Caesar did two things: it got Paul away from his Jewish adversaries and brought him into new territory to work for the Gospel all on Rome's dollar. Paul was following the words of Jesus by being wise as a serpent and innocent as a dove (Matthew 10:16). He used his citizenship, his rights, his brains, and his knowledge of Roman law to do what was sensible and effective for both himself and the cause of Christ.

Being a Christian is not an excuse to act dumb. Know your rights, understand the constitution and use it to your advantage. At the same time, don't try to break the law or manipulate the circumstances. Keep your head above water, devote time to God in prayer and act prudently and decisively.

Yes, Paul would once write: "to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain." Philippians 1:21 (ESV). But that does not mean Paul was so heavenly minded he was of no earthly good. Heaven wasn't some sort of cosmic "escape" from this crummy reality. No, Paul knew staying alive meant fruitful labor and so he worked whatever means necessary - supernatural or not - to do what he knew God had called him to do.

He reminds of me of the men of Issachar who helped David rule by being "men who had understanding of the times, to know what Israel ought to do" 1 Chronicles 12:32

We should do the same. So...

  • Get the degree you think you need.
  • Use the connects you have.
  • Know the law and your rights.
  • Get involved in your child's public school.
  • Attend a local governmental meeting.
  • Watch local and national news and stay up to date.

Be involved and informed. And so be salt and light.

Father I want to serve you with my heart AND my mind. I want to be innocent as a dove and shrewd as a serpent. Give me understanding in the times so that I might know what to do.


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