The Most Misused Chapter in the Bible

You hear it at weddings almost 80% of the time. 1 Corinthians 13 is one of the most often read and hear passages in the Bible. And because of that, it has lost the depth, dimension and impact on many who hear it from the pulpit of those who preach on it.

Let's get this straight. 1 Corinthians 13 is not lofty sentimentality or a soothing good luck speech to bride and groom. It is not a "how to be nice" passage. It is not a work of Shakespeare or beautiful poem in harmony with other forms of great literature.

1 Corinthians 13 is the very living breathing Word of God for our correction, instruction, training and reproof! It is here to equip us and bring us to the reality of all that God is in love so that we may grow in love.  God is love and love is serious business.

The Greek Word "agape" used in this chapter was not a common word for Greeks in this day. It was adopted into the Greek New Testament because all other words for love fell short of the love the Apostles came to know through Christ Jesus! When God shows off His love, we need a new word for it!

Let this chapter poke you and prod you. Let it do what the Holy Spirit intends it to do. To me, tonight as I read it, the words "it (love) is not irritable or resentful" lept off the pages and pierced into my heart. How often I get irritable with those closest to me! If I don't know you, you get the best version of me. But the closer you get, watch out! Here is where the love is lacking in my life.

I know what's wrong... I am letting my love be less than agape! I am letting my love be the reward for good behavior on the part of others... and I have lost sight of Christ's love for me! He doesn't love me because I make the grade, He loves me while I don't!

Look at the rest of the list... the big attribute missing for love? Here it is: Responsive. Love, according to God and for the Church is not responsive to the behavior of others. Love is too busy being what it is to worry about what others are doing to you. And that's the Love God had for us. Romans 5:8 "While we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.

Father thank You for loving me! How precious is Your Love. How marvelous and pure. I stand amazed in the sight of what You've done for me. You are good to me.  Help me to love, to not be irritated and impatient. Help me to to grow in Love. Amen.


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