Material Blessings for Spiritual Truths

In 1 Corinthians 9, Paul illustrates the concept of paid church leaders using "secular industries. When someone works hard at something: farming, cooking, plowing, they are the first to share in the material reward of that work - it's called pay. He says Apostles and church leaders have the same right.

But he goes deeper...
1 Corinthians 9:11 (ESV) If we have sown spiritual things among you, is it too much if we reap material things from you?

He says we planted spiritual blessings among you... that's a BIG DEAL and a HUGE BENEFIT to your life.  Because of that benefit to you we have a right to receive back material benefits from you. Why? Because God's Word sown in any context is a tremendous blessing.

The problem in many churches is that they simply don't pay their pastors properly. I know, we see the rare abuses on TV from the guy probably taking advantage of the sheep to line his own pockets. But let us not put that burden on the local farmer in God's field working faithfully in his community! Let's not judge him by the few bad eggs out there. 

The reality when you are fed the Word of God blessing happens. Psalm 1 makes that case clearly, "whatever (the man who delights in God's Word) prospers!" This is the blessing in American's heritage many today take for granted. America was founded on our Founders knowing and using the Bible's wisdom and Truth. No, they may not have all been Christians, but the values of our government and educational system bleed with scriptural principles!

For instance: our three branches of government (Executive, Legislative and Judicial) come from Isaiah: Isaiah 33:22 (ESV) For the LORD is our judge; the LORD is our lawgiver; the LORD is our king; he will save us.

The foundation for education of children comes from Deuteronomy 6. The first 126 University's in this Country were founded to educate Pastors to preach the Bible!

Most if not all of our hospitals were founded by people of faith. In fact the very idea of societal health care came from Christians who believed the image of God was stamped on every man, woman and child.

Paul is telling us we cannot compartmentalize spiritual and material blessings. When you are given God's Word it establishes you, protects you, blesses you. You earn more, save more, and work better. It keeps you from folly and establishes your industry.  There can be no clearer example than the USA.

Yet today America has taken a negative stance against Pastors, Churches and Scripture. Is it any wonder we are in massive debt and struggling with a fragile economy. There are still many who respect God's Word. I believe that's keeping us somewhat strong... but the tone is clearly changing.

At it's heart, 1 Corinthians 9 is addressing a misunderstanding of the blessing we have to be taught the Word of God!

The Bible is clear that we need to remember the value of God's Word sown into our hearts, be generous with our churches and leaders. To bless financially those who serve us spiritually. It's only going to help us all.

Father, Your Word is a blessing!  May Your Church honor Your Word in this Country and every context in which it is preached. May we wake up to the reality that Your Word is a light and lamp not simply for Spiritual things, but for material and industrial things as well. I ask for the power and understand and live Your Word. Amen!


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