
1 Corinthians 7:17 (ESV) Only let each person lead the life that the Lord has assigned to him, and to which God has called him. This is my rule in all the churches.

A great rule indeed. It should be a motto for Christians in all circles everywhere. Stop worrying about someone else's life and lead the one you have. It's been assigned by God!

Evidently Paul wrote this during a period of strong anti-semitism. Some Jewish boys in Corinth were having an operation done to hide their circumcision and get ahead in society.  Could you imagine the pain and agony they went through without anesthesia just to impress others?!  

But we do the same.

We go through pains to please people, to make more money, to get ahead, to be important. All the while forgetting that our Lord has assigned us to where we are. You have to get to a point where you accept it. Not settling for less... no, I'm talking about being great with what God puts in your hands! You may feel gifted to do something you're currently not doing. You may see someone or something standing in your way of achievement. You need to lead the life assigned to you ... right now.

I think of Joseph. Sitting in a prison being asked to interpret dreams 11 years after he first received his own dreams from God. I could imagine an appropriate response after 11 years of waiting with no visible improvement. He certainly wasn't upwardly mobile in the Egyptian prison.  His dreams seemed shattered and dead. But Joseph didn't respond cynical or angry.  No, in fact, he came to a great conclusion in his life. His response to the cup bearer and chief baker reveal a development of trust we all must come to...

Genesis 40:8 (ESV) They said to him, “We have had dreams, and there is no one to interpret them.” And Joseph said to them, “Do not interpretations belong to God? Please tell them to me.”

Dreams may come to us, but their interpretations are in the hands of God.

Paul has just told us our bodies belong to the Lord in 1 Corinthians 6. Now he's telling us, our lives and futures do as well. We belong to Him, totally, completely. 

Be your best with what God have given you. Joseph was ready and still waited another 2 years before finally seeing fruit. But Joseph did what he could do with what he had. He didn't try to live anyone else's life. He didn't try to change for others. He didn't let others change him. 

If we learn to do the same, we will never miss God's timing and purpose.

Father, I want to be faithful to Your plan for my life. I lay my desires at Your feet. I lay my wants down. Today I say YOUR WILL BE DONE in my life and may Your Name be hallowed through every assignment You give me.  Amen.


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