Some Churches Require Extra Grace

Rick Warren calls them "E.G.R.s" People with whom Extra Grace is Required. In the Kingdom of God, that is simply the case with some churches, small groups, ministries, Pastors, and regular old Christians. Perhaps you know of one. If you don't know any, it may be you...

I digress.

It would appear that for the Apostle Paul, the EGRs in his life were the Christians in Corinth. Consider that he wrote letters to several churches in the New Testament. Only one church more than one letter and two of them were added to the Canon. Most historians agree there was at least one other letter from Paul to Corinth which brings their total to three.  One church, at least three letters.

It seems the Corinthians were Paul's "special project" of Grace.

2 Corinthians 1:13 (ESV) For we are not writing to you anything other than what you read and understand and I hope you will fully understand....15 Because I was sure of this, I wanted to come to you first, so that you might have a second experience of grace.

We will have them too.  People who take a bit more effort, a bit more time, a bit more struggle to see Christ formed in them. Sometimes it will be people we hear talking badly about us when we aren't around! That was Paul's experience with the Corinthians (see 2 Corinthians 10:10).  Other times it will be people who fail at the basic implementation of humility and others-centeredness.  And some, no matter how often we try, still will not trust us.

The tendency is to believe you're better than them. They don't deserve you and you shouldn't waste your time. But that is not what Christ did for us! And that is not what Paul modeled for us as a Christ follower who implored us to follow his example (1 Corinthians 11:1). We are given grace to share it, we are given more grace and so we must also share it even more. 

Maybe that's the reason for 2 Corinthians to be in the Bible. To let us know we are not alone if we are one of those EGRs, and to compel us to serve if we know an EGR. It's not the only reason for sure, there's a treasure of theological insight in this book. But it's good to know that people are people and the Bible relates to us today 2000 years later. Some Churches need only 4 chapters - like Philippi. Others need two letters. 

The good news is, God is willing to give them.

Father, help me to understand that I have received much grace. And for that reason I thank you, and I want to share it.  Help me to excel in compassion and grace for those in my life who need it. I struggle with this for sure, and I want to be far more Christlike in this area.


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