It Starts With a Meal

Christian unity is essential for any church. And the Corinthians didn't have it.

1 Corinthians 11:18–19 (ESV) 18 For, in the first place, when you come together as a church, I hear that there are divisions among you. And I believe it in part, 19 for there must be factions among you in order that those who are genuine among you may be recognized.

The heart of division and sectarianism in any local church is a desire for someone to "feel" or seem important. That is what Paul is saying here. They Corinthians divided among themselves in a way to look down on others. At it's heart, that is what division is about. Consider Satan - who created the first division in heaven sought to be important, "I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will make myself like the Most High.’" Isaiah 14:14. And so a third of the angels divided from the rest and fell.

To remedy the division of the body, Paul brings them back to the Lord's table. Its time to remember. Christ as our example. He didn't seek to ascend, he descended (Ephesians 4:10). He didn't come to be important, He came because we are important.  He didn't make Himself like the Most High, He already was like the Most High yet He made Himself nothing, taking the form of a servant (Philippians 2:5-9). 

And "on the night He was betrayed" Paul makes sure to remind us - He (Jesus) served the disciples (including Judas) a meal. 

The Lord's supper at Corinth was out of control. "One goes hungry" - this could mean that people were using that meal as the place to fill themselves on purpose so they wouldn't have to spend money at home to eat (considering verse 34 where Paul tells them to eat at home first). Others were getting drunk! Wow. Can't even picture that.  But the bottom line is no one was serving anyone other than themselves. They were all trying to act like Satan instead of their Savior. 

Paul says let's get back to the meal of the Lord. Examine yourselves through the lens of Jesus who took bread, gave thanks and broke it and fed his soon-to-be fleeing disciples. He was broken for you, He was spilled out for you. This is not a meal to serve you, it is a meal to share with others. 

So why does Paul suggest they get back to the Lord's table to solve their divisions? 

Simple. Because Satan first got us humans thinking about ourselves by suggesting we "take and eat" so that we may be important... "You shall not surely die." And Jesus came and died to undo what we did! And before He did He commands us to take and eat to live with Him and LIKE Him. 

When you approach the Lord's supper next time in church. Remember the manner of the Lord and do likewise.

Father help us to love each other as Christ as loved us. As we take of the bread you give, may we live with a giving spirit empowered by the Holy Spirit whom You also have given to us. We praise You and thank You, Amen.


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