Sex Sells, Jesus Saves

It continually astounds me how often the Bible, 2000 years old now, continues to be backed up by observable science. Observable, as in we can touch and see it. Not philosophical guesstimating as to how old the Earth is.

Consider the following statement from Paul to a Church filled with sexually immoral people:
1 Corinthians 6:18 (ESV) 18 Flee from sexual immorality. Every other sin a person commits is outside the body, but the sexually immoral person sins against his own body.

Sexual sin is different. It just is. It hurts your body. Any cursory study of the STD epidemic in the world will prove this scripture 1000% reliable. The world has no problem flaunting sexual immorality and the Church needs to have no problem talking about it plainly!

Today sex sells and sells and sells. Is it any wonder why? Who does Satan hate almost as much as he hates God? You and I. What will destroy us faster than any other sin? Sexual immorality. Nevermind the diseases physically, there are consequences emotionally, spiritual, and socially. There is a price to pay for this sin and so if you love your life - RUN.

You have to believe Paul had Joseph in mind when he commands the Corinthians to "FLEE sexual immorality." Like Joseph we need to get the heck out of the house when the adulterous comes calling. Learn to honor your body as God's instrument and not as your own personal playground. Sex is powerful for good - it creates intimacy, a family, and security. Sex is powerful for evil - it can destroy intimacy, divide a family and cause tremendous insecurity. How crazy that one sin is just so powerful.

So it is with wisdom we learn to flee! You have to be on your guard daily. The writer of Genesis makes sure we know, "she spoke to Joseph day after day, lie beside her or to be with her." Genesis 39:10 (ESV) Notice, she didn't ask him only for sex, she at times simply asked for his company! That's how it begins. Just being there, where you shouldn't be. Alone at the computer, at the bar, around the woman at the office you know is interested.

Every day sexual immorality will come calling. Sometimes blatantly, sometimes "harmlessly." We take a step in either direction every day.
Every day we need reminders that our bodies are not our own. They were purchased by the blood of Jesus.  What is more - in Christ you've been washed (See 1 Cor. 6:11) by God Himself. Please notice who is the object of the sentence in verse 11. This is not your doing. This is God's doing. Sexual temptation can be washed away. Ask God for total freedom in Jesus' Name! Just as He saved you from hell, He can and will save you from unholy desire. 

Ephesians 5:26 (ESV) He... cleanse(s) the Church by the washing of water with the word,

When we give up our ability to resist and throw ourselves on the mercy of God's saving power, then and only then can we be set free.

Let Him come and do what He does best.

Father, thank You for the Word that washes my stains away. Thank You for the saving power of Jesus' Name! I ask You for total freedom from immoral desire! Thank You for doing what I could not do and thank You for being My Savior EVERY single day!


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