
1 Corinthians 16:15–18 (ESV) Now I urge you, brothers—you know that the household of Stephanas were the first converts in Achaia, and that they have devoted themselves to the service of the saints— 16 be subject to such as these, and to every fellow worker and laborer. 17 I rejoice at the coming of Stephanas and Fortunatus and Achaicus, because they have made up for your absence, 18 for they refreshed my spirit as well as yours. Give recognition to such people.

The first converts in Ahcaia were also the hardest working. It's often true of a new Church plant. Those who were there from the beginning and have their lives changed by Christ are often the ones who do a lot of the little things that make the church go.

Notice Paul tells us they devoted themselves to the SERVICE of the saints. These were die hards. They were cleaning up long after most people went home. They were staying late praying with people who were going through a tough patch. They were the ones Paul could always count on. They loved Paul enough to make it to Ephesus and visit him refreshing his spirit.

What's Paul's advice?
Be subject to those kind of people... AND give them recognition.

In too many ways the church looks like the world. I saw a Christian award show on TV the other day. I was taken aback. Why do we have Christian award shows for our "Christian" Celebrities? We look just like the world. I saw another man announce he gave $1 million to a mega church that didn't look like they needed it. Why do we disregard the teaching of Christ about giving and secrecy? Why do we look just like the world so often?

Paul says stop acting like the world. In the beginning of 1 Corinthians he denounces their sectarianism. Here in the end he shows them how to get over that... recognize the people the world tends to use. You know, the servants. The workers who stay long and work hard making up for the work others cannot or will not do. 

Every church has them. And we are supposed to recognize them. 

Too many of us have "being counter-cultural" summed up in not having sex before marriage and not getting drunk. That's great, but it must run deeper. How about we start being counter cultural in who we pay special attention to? Who needs a thank you card from you that they didn't expect? Who should get a word of encouragement from you tomorrow that others ignore?

How about we honor the least visible among us? What if the church did what the Bible said? 

We'd probably look a bit more interesting.

Father, thank you for those who serve. Help me to honor them and keep recognizing their efforts. Keep me from the idolatrous nature of this world. May I love and lead like Jesus taught. In His Name. Amen.


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