An Open Door

1 Corinthians 16:9 (ESV) for a wide door for effective work has opened to me, and there are many adversaries.

This is an incredible verse because it highlights the new reality of the resurrection presented in the Gospel. Paul fully acknowledges the open door for effective work for Christ while at the same time acknowledging those opposing him. He's making a statement only possible because of the Gospel.

The Gospel is about open doors. 

We have an open veil straight to the presence of God as the temple veil was torn from top to bottom at Christ's death. 
We have an open grave as Christ arose 3 days later triumphant and powerful.
We have an open eye to see Christ as Lord and Savior.
We have the scriptures opened to us through the illumination of the Holy Spirit (see Luke 24:45).
We have an open grave where death no longer has the last word.

We have an open ended ticket to heaven made possible by the blood of Jesus.

In evangelism, we have an open door to the uttermost parts of the world (Acts 1:8).
See in the book of Acts, the walls of hostility and the closed doors of division and hatred come down one by one - The wall between Jew and Samaritan, circumcised and uncircumcised, rich and poor, slave and free, male and female.

The doors are open in Jesus!

So Paul tells the Corinthians he's got an opening for effective work EVEN when many oppose him. Why? Because the Gospel opens the doors that opponent cannot shut. Never forget the power of the Gospel (Romans 1:16). Never forget that Jesus gave us the keys! Never forget that "God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that having all sufficiency in all things at all times, you may abound in every good work." 2 Corinthians 9:8 (ESV).

Why do so many Christians live in fear of the world or the cultural shift toward secularism? It's not going to stop the Gospel! What kingdom has ever stopped the Gospel? Right now in China 25,000 people come to Christ every day while they try stamping it out under communism.

We need to realize what happened in the fulfillment of the ages when Christ died and rose again. Everything changed! And those who are in Christ have nothing to fear, nothing to hide, and nothing to be ashamed about because of the power of Christ's atoning sacrifice for our sins!

What is God calling you to do? Are you fearful of the future? Don't be. Before every blood-bought child of God is the Savior who makes a way. Follow Him and be effective.

Father, help me to grasp this in my heart. Help me to understand it fully. Help me to see the open doors in my life and ministry and empower me to walk through them by faith in the power of the Gospel. In Jesus' Name, Amen.


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