The Power of Crying Out To God

Psalm 13.

The Psalm contains three stanzas, each one getting shorter.  In the first stanza, the Psalmist cries out in bitter distress. He wants to know where God is and when God will act. And he doesn't seem to hold back very much:

Psalm 13:1–2 (ESV) How long, O LORD? Will you forget me forever? How long will you hide your face from me? 2 How long must I take counsel in my soul and have sorrow in my heart all the day? How long shall my enemy be exalted over me?

In the second stanza, lament has turned to intercession. He is imploring the Lord to act on his behalf, making his requests known and seeking to be raised up from the place of defeat.

Psalm 13:3–4 (ESV) Consider and answer me, O LORD my God; light up my eyes, lest I sleep the sleep of death, 4 lest my enemy say, “I have prevailed over him,” lest my foes rejoice because I am shaken.

Finally, after lament and intercession, the Psalmist has sweet and steady resolve before the Lord...
Psalm 13:5–6 (ESV) But I have trusted in your steadfast love; my heart shall rejoice in your salvation. 6 I will sing to the LORD, because he has dealt bountifully with me.

This is going to be a theme when you study the Psalms. The lament Psalms are numerous. But this one is especially insightful for our prayer lives. 

Sometimes we sterilize our prayers thinking God is happier when we hide our feelings. This Psalm does not do that and the result is peace and joy. The Lord is not going to be shocked by what we express. He already knows how we feel. And perhaps the cry of our heart is more for us than for Him. 

I remember hearing about the difference between Atheist's cries against injustice and the Christian's cries. They may not be much different in many things but they are different in this ONE MOST IMPORTANT THING: the Christian has Someone to cry out to!

This Psalm may not follow the outline of the Lord's prayer but some times our lives will bring us here. Let us not be afraid to come before the Lord who already knows the status of our hearts as we are so that we can find the comfort only He provides. 

Help us to be honest in our prayers, Lord. Help us to be most transparent with You. For you alone are the only trust in our lives. Amen.


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