Athiesm Vs. Be-Withism

The 14th Psalm opens with very familiar words, "The fool says in his heart, 'There is no God.'" It then describes the ungodly: They are corrupt, do evil. They don't seek or understand God. They turn away from Him, they do no good. They hurt the people of God. Not all atheists do all those things. But they at least do one of them.

How do you answer an atheist?

  • Sometimes we want to argue our point. That makes us feel smarter.
  • Sometimes we want to pray for a miracle to happen. But they will dismiss that as easily as the miracle of a new born baby.
  • Sometimes we want to prove we are more patient and better behaved. But that never works, we are saved by grace.

The Psalmist provides a great answer to the atheist in this Psalm: Here it is: Live with God.

Don't answer Atheism with believism. Answer it with living in the presence of God, without fear, without worry, without falling apart or getting overly worked up about the state of the world.

Notice Verses 5-6:

Psalm 14:5–6 (ESV) There they are in great terror, for God is with the generation of the righteous. 6 You would shame the plans of the poor, but the Lord is his refuge.

God is with us! That is the heart of the Bible. The Bible never demands that we argue for people to believe in Him. The Bible shows us a God who longs to be with us! A God who freely chooses to give up heaven and tabernacle with His people. A God who becomes flesh and moved into our neighborhood. And even when humanity met with God, they rejected Him. And He raised the dead! 

No. No amount of miraculous feats or impressive debate can win someone from Atheism. And believe me, I don't think living in the presence of God would be enough to convince them either. 

What I do think the Psalmist is saying is simply this: Enjoy the presence of God instead of getting worked up over those who don't. It is a wonderful thing to be in the presence of the Living God! And you and I have access through the blood of Jesus forever at any time! 

God is WITH us.

Be WITH Him.


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