No Fear

Psalm 11:1 (ESV) In the Lord I take refuge; how can you say to my soul, “Flee like a bird to your mountain,

The Psalmist is shocked that someone would tell him not to trust in His God! How we all need to live like that!

Fear is the source of every horrible decision you have ever made.
Fear that God is not going to be good to you.
Fear that someone or something is holding you back.
Fear that you don't have enough.
Fear that you need to take matters into your own hands.

So many bad decisions have been based on fear:

  • The mid-30s man afraid he's "losing his touch" so he cheats on his wife...
  • The teenager who fears rejection from the crowd so he makes less than desirable even disastrous decisions.
  • The woman who is afraid of being alone so he jumps from one bad relationship to another.

Jesus passed the test of our fears.
He did what Adam and Eve could not do. He trusted God with His provision against the lust of the flesh (stones to bread), the lust of the eyes (protection from Angels before people) and the pride of life (all kingdoms His). 

The phrase that introduces His temptation is ripe with meaning:
Matthew 4:1 (ESV) Then Jesus was led up by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil.

He had to be tempted with the same fears we all have. Does God have my best interest in mind? What if I'm all alone? Will this work out for my deliverance?

In Matthew 4, he passes the wilderness test the Israelite nation failed by trusting explicitly in the Word of God... "it is written." And he determined to live without bread for as long as the Father saw fit. Angels attended him there (see Matthew 4:11).

In the Garden of Gethsemane he passes the Garden of Eden test. He doesn't just resist the temptation to avoid the cross, he becomes the fruit back on the tree bringing life to all who look to Him! He is the LIFE! And an angel appeared to strengthen him there as well (seek Luke 22:43).

What would it look like if you lived completely without fear? If you truly trusted that God had your best interest in mind? And a better question may be, why don't you live like that now?

Job 23:10 (ESV) But he knows the way that I take; when he has tried me, I shall come out as gold.


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