Reality Check, Really

Psalm 8 is a well known Psalm for it's first verse which is echoed in the final verse:

Psalm 8:1 (ESV) O LORD, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth! You have set your glory above the heavens.

Then again:
Psalm 8:9 (ESV) O LORD, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth!

At first sight, the Psalmist then proceeds to make a big deal out of man. His place in the world, the abilities granted to him and the glory he has placed upon him. But the more you read the Psalm it becomes clear, this is not an exaltation of man, it's an exaltation of God.

Caught in the wonder of the universe God has created, mankind is simply a sheep-herding gardener (see verses 6-7). Compared to the universe, mankind is silly and small. Yet, by God's design we are right where He placed us and wants us.

Psalm 8 is a reality check. The Universe is much more majestic than we realize. In fact it is so majestic, it shrinks us properly down to size. To think these words come from a Shepherd 3000 years ago!  This was before Galileo and Copernicus discovered the ultimate vastness of the stars, moon and galaxies. The more we search out the Universe, the more aware we are of it's enormity and our frailty.

This worshipful exaltation of God is the attitude with which we are to rule and subdue the Earth properly. Notice how the Psalmist moves from establishing God's sovereign placement and adornment of man to his rule over the sheep, beasts, birds and fish.

We are only ultimately successful on God's terms! Properly understanding that what we have comes from Him completely is the secret of fulfilling our God-ordained mission. We must not fall for the deceit of the serpent who tempted Eve to "be like God." There is only ONE who can be Him.

A big view of God yields a wise and better experience for humanity. Even the infant has strength from God! Who am I apart from what God has made me? Therefore I will praise Him and walk in the light of His glory and wonder. Humanity is created to exhibit a humble confidence in the God who created him to do what his is given to do. By God's grace.


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