Centered in God

Psalm 5 is another Psalm with "chaistic" structure. That's a fancy way of saying the first verse matches up to the last verse, the second verse matches up to the second to last verse, and so on. When right in the middle is Verses 7-8.

Before we look at verse 7 and 8 we need to see what's around them. David's Psalm contains alternating segments about the wicked and the righteous. The Lord hears the prayers of the righteous (1-3), but the Lord detests the wicked (4-6). The wicked lie, flatter and are filled with violence at their core (9-10). But those who hope in God will sing, will worship, and will be covered by the Lord (11-12).

David is surrounded by good and bad options. Be someone who does good or be one of those who does evil. How do you live in the midst of a world like that? What crowd will you regard as your people?

David actually choses neither. His plan is simple, draw near to the Lord...

Psalm 5:7–8 (ESV) But I, through the abundance of your steadfast love, will enter your house. I will bow down toward your holy temple in the fear of you. 8 Lead me, O LORD, in your righteousness because of my enemies; make your way straight before me.

There are shadows of the Gospel here. The righteous look righteous because of their righteousness. But David doesn't entrust his soul to being around righteous people. That's not the key to pleasing the Lord. David's faith is not in keeping the right company. His faith is in keeping with God's company.

"Lead me, O LORD, in your righteousness"

His path to God's house? Also a Gospel theme: "through the abundance of your steadfast love" (verse 7). He's not basing his entrance to God's house on what David's done, but God's love and grace!

His final prayer? That's interesting too... He doesn't ask God to make David's way straight for David. He asks God to make GOD'S way straight before David. In other words, David isn't trusting God to bless what David does, he wants God to reveal to David what God is doing. So it's not about getting God to bless David's plans, its about getting clarity about God's plans.

When you are surrounded by all kinds of people on the scale of good and bad, remember your relationships with either of them can never ultimately justify you before God. The path to favor, protection, and joy is in the complete confidence in God's plan and purpose for your life. To entrust your soul to the steadfast love of God.

There can be no other way.


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