Trust in the Lord

Psalm 125:1–2 (ESV) Those who trust in the Lord are like Mount Zion, which cannot be moved, but abides forever. 2 As the mountains surround Jerusalem, so the Lord surrounds his people, from this time forth and forevermore.

What a wonderful word picture of those who trust in the Lord. There are some pretty important mountains surrounding Jerusalem. 
  1. Mount Golgotha.
  2. The Mount of Olives.
  3. Mount Sinai (which we don't really know where but in the land).

This is what you do when you spend time in the Word... you remember what He's done and Whose you are... When we come to the Word of God we are reminded of these mountains but more importantly, we are reminded of what they represent. Each mountain was the scene of a dramatic moment in redemptive history. The giving of the Law, the dying of our Savior, the Teaching of Christ and His return at the mount of olives! This is why we come to the Word of God, to remember we like that great city of God, now in grace surrounded by His word, His power, His death on our behalf and His soon return!

It's where you get your strength. Jon Courson writes about this Psalm, "if I don’t spend time with the Lord, I can get shaken up real easy." I concur. We can watch the news or meditate on the GOOD NEWS for all men. We can allow our feelings to dictate our security and confidence or we can rely on the Love of God for us. He who did not spare His own Son, but gave Him up for us all! 

This is the only Lord worthy of our Trust! The verb (bāṭaḥ, “trust”) means “to rely upon,” “to have confidence in.” You can believe God exists like the demons of hell (James 2:19), but do you trust Him? To trust in God means to submit your life and plans to Him, to surrender your heart and allow Him to be in charge and in control. You've got good reason to. If you walk through the scriptures and see what God has done for You, how He has secured everything necessary for you to live godly (2 Peter 1:3), then what more do you need? 

Then I love this promise:
Psalm 125:3 (ESV) For the scepter of wickedness shall not rest on the land allotted to the righteous, lest the righteous stretch out their hands to do wrong.

How many dictators and emperors (and perhaps Presidents in the future) have tried to squash Christians and wipe out faith? Yet the dictator dies and the Church grows! Consider the Church in China - stronger than ever even under intense governmental opposition. We can rest secured that wicked rulers will not last and will never dominate the people of God. We have the records of Pharaoh, Nebuchadnezzar, Darius, Herod, Pilate, Nero, and others to remind us of the faithful Truth here in Psalm 125. 

Trust in the Lord. Rely on Him.
There's mountains of evidence for why you should.


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