The Way Up

The book of the Psalms takes a major turn in Psalm 120. They are now what we call the Songs of Ascent from Psalm 120 to Psalm 134. The title of each Psalm suggests that these songs were sung as the pilgrims were making their way back up to Jerusalem for annual feasts.

With that in mind, the scriptures open to us in regards to what is being said in Psalm 120.

Psalm 120:1 (NKJV) In my distress I cried to the Lord, And He heard me.

This section of Psalms opens with a man in distress who is desperate for the Lord. This is where all ascent happens in Christ, with a broken and contrite spirit. I cannot tell you the number of times the broken places of my life have been the best places in my life. Sometimes it's the only way God can speak to us - that we get to the low lands of life and look for His sweet restoration. Jesus said, "Blessed are the poor in Spirit... (and) those who mourn."

I also love the Psalmists faith. "He heard me." The Psalm is just beginning and will not take a positive turn from here on out, but it does not matter... the Psalmist is completely confidence that the Lord will hear his prayer.

He's been living too long among those who are deceitful in their speech.
Psalm 120:2 (ESV) Deliver me, O Lord, from lying lips, from a deceitful tongue.

He's far from home:
Psalm 120:5 Woe to me, that I sojourn in Meshech, that I dwell among the tents of Kedar! 
Meshech is in the far north and Kedar is in the dessert. They are far apart from each other. But this is an image of life in between the festivals, taking him far from home.

He's dwelt too long with those who hate peace.
Psalm 120:6 Too long have I had my dwelling among those who hate peace.

He's been surrounded by people who are vile and full of vitriol. That can wear on anyone. I remember working in a secular vocation for many years. My first few were really strong, fresh out of Bible School, but eventually, during year 5, I was starting to run low. I needed to keep coming UP to the house of God for filling my cup. 

This Psalm is about making the decision to NOT stay down when we get there. To get back to the house of God and rejoice with His people. To be ready to release our burdens to Him for He cares for us. To be people of faith and promise, coming to worship together. How we all need times of refreshing like that.

Unfortunately, we usually need to be empty before we move up.


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