Moving from Prayer to Praise

In the Psalm of Ascents, David declares:

Psalm 124:1–5 (ESV) If it had not been the Lord who was on our side— let Israel now say— 2 if it had not been the Lord who was on our side when people rose up against us, 3 then they would have swallowed us up alive, when their anger was kindled against us; 4 then the flood would have swept us away, the torrent would have gone over us; 5 then over us would have gone the raging waters.

Psalm 124 is the response of God's faithful help in response to the cry of Psalm 123. They are meant to be read together. The Psalmist called out to God in Psalm 123 and then responds with praise in Psalm 124. How fitting and how often forgotten.

We need to learn how to move from PRAYER to PRAISE.

We usually call out to God when we need help. That's in our nature. We go back to church, we make deals with the Almighty, we pray, we get serious in our devotion, we seek the face of God. Then the battle ends in victory. And yet how often we never make it back to the altar to give credit where credit is due. How often we just move on after the crisis has been averted. How often we remember to pray but how often we forget to praise.

Not David. 

David gives credit where credit is due. This Psalm comes alive when you consider that David wrote it. David NEVER lost a battle. He could have looked at his unbeaten record and figured, "I'm David, and I'm THAT good." But he doesn't. David returns from victory to God the GLORY!

David knows that apart from God he and his people would have been swallowed up and/or sunk. He knows that praying for help is always available and usually comes natural... but he's a man of praise!

This is the reason why he won so many victories. This is why Goliath was no big deal. He knew he didn't kill the lion and bear in his own strength. His confidence and courage came from knowing that nothing and no one was greater than his God!

That's what praise does. It reminds you who was responsible for getting you where you are. It reminds you to depend fully on God in the future.

Psalm 124:6 (ESV) Blessed be the Lord, who has not given us as prey to their teeth!

David sought God's face and gave God praise. He was a winner and a worshipper. He didn't get so caught up in his own press that he forgot the God who made him and gave him what he had and who he was.

May we learn to to move from prayer to praise.
What can you thank God for now that He answered in the past?
What can you do to be more mindful of His graces toward you.

May we learn to remember that the God who saved us has kept us from many dangers toils and snares! May we never lose our love for His worship and praise.
May we never think so highly of ourselves that we forsake our dependence on Him.


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